Dear Church Leader:
Bridges4Justice is committed to standing with the church in the work of Biblical, Gospel centered justice locally and globally. The church is God’s instrument to display His glory in our broken world. We know from Scriptures that God is a God of justice and compassion. He cares for all who are bowed down and oppressed. He puts a heart of justice and compassion in the hearts of His children. However, we understand that God’s people often lack awareness and understanding of how to make a difference in caring for the vulnerable and fighting human trafficking. The task may seem overwhelming and difficult to even know where and how to begin.
Bridges4Justice bridges that gap by encouraging, equipping, empowering, and engaging God’s people in His work of Biblical justice and anti-trafficking starting right in our own communities and extending around the globe. Bridges4Justice provides ideas, resources, tools, training workshops and prayer networks. Bridges4Justice also provides practical opportunities to engage in fighting human trafficking through marketing and purchasing products made by trafficking survivors and those at risk. A church can host a sales event while promoting awareness of human trafficking. Bridges4Justice also has global projects and opportunities to serve.
Human trafficking is one of the greatest injustices seen in our world today. It is a spiritual battle, an attack of Satan and his forces with the purpose of destroying human beings created in God’s image for His glory. Because human trafficking is first of all a spiritual battle, the church must not be side-lined, feeling overwhelmed or disheartened. Caring for the vulnerable and fighting human trafficking must first begin with worship of the God of justice and then continue with prayer. That starts with God’s people in the church.
According to Bethany Hoang in the booklet, Deepening the Soul for Justice:
"Seeking justice does not begin at the door of a brothel.
Seeking justice begins with seeking the God of Justice".
Doing justice together is healthy for a church and for God’s people. It is not burdensome, but joyful as believers together are equipped and actively engaged in prayer and care for the vulnerable and the trafficked. In Bridges4Justice we love the verse found in Proverbs 21:16, “When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous.”
We would love to hear from you. Perhaps your church already has a justice and compassion ministry. We would be happy to come alongside in any way. If not, we can guide you in practical ways to get started and connect you to other churches. Let us know any way we can serve you. Please email us or fill out the information below. We will send you a church mobilization packet.
Sincerely in Christ,
The Bridges4Justice Team