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Church Mobilization

"A church that lives within its four walls is no church at all."   

–Morgan Chilulu, African Pastor

Mobilizing Churches

Bridges4Justice is committed to standing with the local church in doing the work of gospel centered justice locally and globally. The church is God’s instrument to display His glory in our broken world. However, we understand that God’s people often lack understanding of how to care for the vulnerable and how to fight human trafficking. This task can be overwhelming and difficult to even know where to begin.

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Start Mobilizing Today!

Often it is hard to know where to start, but no matter if your church is large or small, you can mobilize your congregation in the work of Biblical justice that impacts your community and the world.  Click the button below for a list of ten ideas to mobilize your church to do the work of fighting human trafficking and
uplifting the vulnerable.

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Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

Resources For Church Leaders

A Light in Darkness: The Church's Role in Ending Human Trafficking.

by Eddie Byun

This book gives a biblical foundation for the church to understand God's call for us to pursue justice, and provides practical steps for us to demonstrate the gospel as we shine light into these dark places.


Generous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just

by Timothy Keller

A book that provides the Scriptural foundation for Biblical justice in the Old and New Testaments.  Keller explains clearly how Biblical justice is an outflow of the work of God’s grace in our lives. 



Conversations in Justice: Small Group Study Guide

by M. Travis Simone and Tim Latham

Conversations in Justice is a six-week study guide that correlates with Timothy Keller’s book, Generous Justice.



Coming Soon: A Bridges4Justice Study Guide

Why and How the Church Can
Engage in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

This ten-week study uses A Light in Darkness by Eddie Byun and other books and videos in a guided journey to understand why and how the church can fight human trafficking.  The study works well in a home Bible study group or in a church group . It will be available for churches to use in the Spring.

A Letter to Church Leaders

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What Church and Mission Leaders Are
Saying About Bridges4Justice

"For most believers, Jesus' words in Matt. 22:37-38 are very familiar. 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart … soul…. and… mind ….And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.'   When Jesus says, 'All the law and prophets hang on these two commandments,' in verse 39, he was reminding us of the passion that should be at the core of all our pursuits for Him. Most of us aren't intentionally ignoring Jesus' call to minister to the vulnerable, but we allow our perception of how overwhelming their needs are to paralyze us. It causes us to throw up our hands and say, "What CAN I do?" B4J has helped the people of our church by Encouraging, Empowering, & Equipping us to Engage in the pursuit of God's justice. It has helped us change that question to, "What WILL I do?" and I am confident that they will be able to help your church to get mobilized and increase your participation in what He is doing globally and locally as well."
Pastor Jesse Thompson, Faith Community Church 

“As a pastor, there are hundreds of worthwhile things we can give our attention, energies, and
resources to as we seek to disciple others for the glory of God. I would like to encourage you to consider partnering with Bridges4Justice. It is a ministry that strives to actively live out the call to biblical, gospel-driven justice around the world. Not only does it seek to put faces and names to heartbreaking stories we often hear, but through vital, sustainable partnerships, it lifts many of those very victims out of the depths by equipping and resourcing them with hope for the long term. Moreover, through local church partnerships, Bridges4Justice raises awareness and provides the tools and resources to fight against human exploitation and trafficking in our own communities and backyards. I wholeheartedly commend their ministry for your consideration!”
Pastor James Allan, Swan Lake EFC, Minnesota

“Bridges4Justice does what its name
implies.  It shows the love of Christ to
a dark world where many are lost and victims of abuse and human trafficking.   I have had the privilege of visiting B4J partners numerous times and have seen firsthand how they are practically meeting needs while clearly sharing the message of the gospel.  This is a great ministry.  You can also support the ministry through buying products; knowing your purchase is helping to see lives transformed by the power of the gospel. Consider partnering with Bridges4Justice to help prevent trafficking, care for the vulnerable and the trafficked, and most importantly, to see more lives changed for the glory of Christ.”
Steve A., Mission Mobilizer for EFCA, North Central District