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Introducing Bridges4Justice

Biblical justice originates in the heart of God. See Psalm 89:14; Micah 6:8, and Zechariah 7:9. God’s people care about the oppressed and those who are trafficked, but often lack awareness and opportunity to get involved. Bridges4Justice bridges that gap by providing practical opportunities to participate in God’s work of justice in our broken world.

Our Story

The vision for Bridges4Justice began with a group of 16 followers of Christ who traveled together to Asia in 2012 to learn more about trafficking. As they saw the needs they also saw the opportunities. They came back commited to networking together to make a difference in the fight against human trafficking and to provide practical opportunities for others to also participate in Biblical justice locally and globally.

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We Partner with Churches

We are a network of followers of Christ committed to doing God’s work of Biblical justice in our broken world. We are stronger together as we bring our differing gifts and skills together in the work of Biblical justice, all for God’s glory. 

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We Partner with Women's Ministries

From the start, Bridges4Justice has been built on
relationships. Christian women have always been a powerful force for God’s justice and compassion in our world.  We offer mobilization, training, and practical opportunities for women to use their skills to make a difference on the frontlines.

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Our Global Partners

Bridges4Justice partners with like-minded organizations and freedom businesses globally.  We maintain close relationships with our global partners, encouraging, equipping, empowering as we come alongside to engage together in the fight against human trafficking and the work of uplifting those at risk. 

Our 4 Strategic Initiatives

Our four E's, Encourage, Equip, Empower, and Engage, guide our attitudes and actions as we fight human trafficking and uplift the vulnerable locally and globally.

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Bridges4Justice is led by a volunteer founding director with a lifetime of cross-cultural experience.  For the past sixteen years her life work has been focused on issues of human trafficking and the devaluation of women and children.  She brings to this position a contagious passion for Biblical justice and a love for the church.  She has a degree in nursing and is soon to complete her master’s degree in Global Development and Justice.

Board of Directors

Bridges4Justice is led by a highly committed board of six individuals serving together to strengthen and develop the ministry as an organization that encourages and equips the church to uplift the vulnerable and fight human trafficking.

Advisory Board Team

Members on the Bridges4Justice advisory board contribute their expertise and experience to give feedback to the board and guidance in direction and significant decision making.

B4J Associates Team & Staff

We are thankful for our grassroots network of volunteers throughout the U.S. dedicating time and skills to strengthen the movement to fight human trafficking and uplift the vulnerable.  B4J associates and staff members serve as sales advocates, writers, editors, administrators, marketing and sewing advisors, church champions and mobilizers.

Core Values

We are guided by the following core values which define our passion to fight human trafficking and bring transformation to vulnerable communities.

  • 1

    Biblical justice is the core motivation in all that we do for the glory of God.

  • 2

    We believe that every human being is created in the image of God with dignity and intrinsic value.

  • 3

    We prioritize prayer as a spiritual weapon undergirding all that we do in the fight against injustice. 

  • 4

    We believe the Gospel has the power to bring transformation and restore broken lives.

  • 5

    We believe that God's church is His instrument to reflect His character and accomplish His purpose in our world today.

  • 6

    We foster holistic well-being  in all our justice endeavors on behalf of individuals, families and communities.

  • 7

     We believe that dignified work and fair wages contribute meaning and self-worth to a person’s life and to the community.

  • 8

    We integrate artistic expression and beauty to promote healing and restorative joy in the lives of individuals and communities.

Statement of Faith

Bridges4Justice is a faith-based Christian organization.  We ascribe to the Apostles Creed, a statement of faith that has been foundational to the church from the early Christian days. 

In addition to our foundational statement of faith, we ascribe to the Lausanne Covenant, widely regarded as one of the most significant documents in modern church history.  It emerged from the First Lausanne Congress in 1974, with John Stott as its Chief Architect. Of particular significance for Bridges4Justice in our pursuit of Biblical justice for God’s glory is the Lausanne Covenant’s statement of social responsibility that expresses how Christ followers are to live out their faith with God’s “concern for justice and reconciliation throughout human society and for the liberation of men and women from every kind of oppression.”

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